hey. dont know how else to contact you without being creepy on tumblr, or disrespecting your wishes to not text me. anyways. it's me, memory lane, amnesielle, am, lane...jesus fuck this is cheesy. um. im sorry. genuinely. for screwing up. for all the misunderstandings. for letting my own issues affect how we interacted. i miss you. deep in my bones. i think about you every day and hope youre doing wonderful. i just wanted to get some last words out using this website because i feel like the way things ended was way too rocky. so what i have to say is: im sorry. from the bottom of my heart, im sorry. the diner's awful quiet, but when i listen to music, we're still dancing in my room together, like i said that one time. go get yourself a good guitarist. i love you.xo the amnesiac